I helped director Dale C.W. make a music video for the song “ALIVE” for the musical act Whatever Whatever. Our second collaboration after GREEN EYES.
There are some well-known tricks for producing this kind of text effect on the quick in After Effects, but this stuff is all hand-drawn in Procreate.
I’ve got a bunch of Haiku started, but I just can’t seem to finish anything. Nonetheless, I’ve decided to publish!
$5 in the Not Art Back Issue Shop, $3 for subscribers, shipping always free.
I help strangers on the internet to make things in After Effects. Here are some quick sketches and experiments I’ve made along the way.
Two quick and general purpose tips:
1) There’s no shame in using multiple layers when you need them, and often no real benefit to breaking your back in order to minimize the amount of layers in a project.
2) You don’t have to make stuff you can’t see. Part of that is that you don’t need to rig up things that don’t move during the shot. The lines-and-nodes shot was very quick to make because no part of it responds dynamically to anything. There’s no reason why it should, unless that’s what your experiment is about.
This is the story of how I came to own a fancy pen:
The 8-Bit is not terribly expensive in the world of Expensive Pens, but anyone outside of that world would do a spittake. However, unlike almost every other kinda-pricey-to-amateurs pen I’ve ever held, this one is actually very nice to use. My inexpensive Sharpie S-Gels have taken a backseat since this arrived.
Thank you, Pen Addict!
This came from helping someone animate text similar to the credits of an anime they like.
What I like is They Might Be Giants, so this is Spiraling Shape.