I spent a while leafing through old hard drives yesterday trying to find the files for a video project I wanted to pick up. Never found 'em. What I did find was all the footage from the UCB Halloween horror show spectacular Killgore. Harrison Brown, Robert Emanuel, and I taped both shows on the night of Halloween, 2008, on three cameras, presumably for UCBComedy.com.
And then we never did anything with the footage.
So... here it is. Please enjoy Killgore 2008, starring Brett Gelman and Jon Daly, with Neil Campbell, Michael Cassidy, Katie Dippold, Brian Huskey, James Pumphrey, Morgan Walsh, Chad Carter, Will McLaughlin, Angela Trimbur, Josh Fadem, Kulap Vilaysack, and Chris Stangl. Written and Directed by Matt Walsh, with music by someone I don't know who it was, and the assistance of a legion of others, surely.
I should perhaps add this is NSFW viewing, not least because it's almost 90 minutes long and you should get back to work. Happy Halloween!