Nintendo's E3 2015 Booth Tour Video
Here's something I helped to make this week. Watch it on your awesome smart phone.
Not a front for a secret organization.
Written by Rob Schultz (human).
Here's something I helped to make this week. Watch it on your awesome smart phone.
This week we're doing the Green Screen show again at my weekly comedy program, Gangbusters!
All the acts perform in from of a big green wall, and we project the effects live for the audience to see. It's pretty neat, and nobody else does it. Heck, we only do it quarterly, because it's a lot of trouble. Here's a Facebook event about this one.
Please enjoy the above highlight reel from our first Green Screen show back in January.
It's like, the hardest thing, to find a project you really believe in. Whenever I talk to fellow movie crew kinds of folks and ask them how many projects they've done that they're really proud of, the numbers are always discouragingly small.
Here's a new teaser for Diani and Devine Meet The Apocalypse. I think this may take the crown for best movie I've ever worked on, and this video barely scratches the surface of why.
My pal Mike Upchurch is back with another short film. This time, he's added comic Chris Fairbanks to the movie Cocktail.
I helped out on this one just a little bit, with some advice and notes, and a little bit of animation. The final effect in this video may not be seamless, but knowing how exactly Mike put it together, it's amazing.
The best thing I can say about it? I've seen it at least half a dozen times (occasionally with live audiences) and it truly doesn't feel eleven minutes long.
It's truly the end of days. Last days of 2014 anyhow.
Here's another promo for the Antaeus Theater Company, written and directed by Diani & Devine and starring a bunch of actor and their pets, including but not limited to the wonderful sounding Robert Pine, and 24's President Logan, Gregory Itzin.
And edited by me!